Service and Charity Relived: SJDEFI – Hospital's 441st Founding Anniversary
Posted on Monday, July 8, 2019
Faithful to its mission of service and charity, the San Juan de Dios Educational Foundation Inc. – Hospital celebrated its 441st Founding Anniversary last June 21, 2019 at the Dr. Gregorio Singian Gymnasium of the Fray Juan Clemente Holistic Health Center. Its theme, "Reliving the Values of San Juan de Dios through the Spirit of Service and Charity" reflected the highlight of the celebration which was the Annual Recognition and Awarding of the Medical Staff and Hospital Employees. A Eucharistic Mass graced the event and was officiated by Rev. Fr. Gerardo I. Reyes. This was followed by the recognition of Punctuality Awardees; Longevity Awardees for Tin Jubilarians (10 years of service), Crystal Jubilarians (15 years of service), China Jubilarians (20 years of service), Silver Jubilarians (25 years of service), Pearl Jubilarians (30 years of service), Coral Jubilarians (35 years of service), and Emerald Jubilarian (55 years of service). To cap off the momentous occasion, medical staff and employees who exemplified the Hospital's core values of Respect for Human Dignity and God's Creation, Compassionate Service, Co-responsibility, Solidarity, Simplicity, Social Commitment, and Commitment to Quality through their service were also presented with the Core Values Awards.
A thanksgiving Mass celebrated by Rev. Fr. Gerardo I. Reyes for the Annual Recognition and Awarding of Medical Staff and Hospital Employees.SJDEFI President, Sr. Josie B. Onag, D.C., giving an emboldened opening remarks during the Annual Recognition and AwardingSisters of the Daughters of Charity together with the Division Directors and Assistant DirectorsPunctuality Awardees together with the Awards Committee Vice Chair and Chair, SJDEFI President and Vice President for Health ServicesTin Jubilarians recognized for their 10 years of service in the institution Crystal Jubilarians as they received their plaque of recognition for their 15 years of service in the institution China Jubilarians as they received their plaque of recognition for their 20 years of service in the institution Plaques of Recognition were awarded to Silver Jubilarians for their 25 years of service in the hospital Pearl Jubilarians awarded for their 30 years of service in the hospitalCoral Jubilarians recognized for their 35 years of service in the hospitalThe lone Emerald Jubilarian, Dr. Alberto O. Daysog, Jr., recognized for his 55 years of service in the hospital Core Values Award Finalists for Respect for Human Dignity and God's Creation, from left: Ms. Ara Jane M. Magbanua, Mr. Michael A. Estrella, and Ms. Mary Faith S. Jarin. Absent in the photo was Ms. Jasmin M. Serohijos (Gold Medallion Recipient) Core Values Award Finalists for Compassionate Service, from left: Ms. Jenn May T. Licoto (Gold Medallion Recipient), Dr. Roger A. Arcangel (Gold Medalion Recipient), Mr. Marc Raymond V. Rozul, and Mr. Ryan Gil V. SalanguitCore Values Award Finalists for Simplicity, from left: Ms. Dioliza M. Sacil (Gold Medallion Recipient), Ms. Dominica Prisca P. Maliñana (Gold Medallion Recipient), Ms. Patricia Anne A. Pasive, and Ms. Adora G. GunaoCore Values Award Finalists for Social Commitment, from left: Mr. Julian V. Corpus, III, Dr. Lynette C. Villa (Gold Medallion Recipient), and Ms. Irene P. BernabeCore Values Award Finalists for Co-Responsibility, from left: Mr. Roger Virgil C. Tuyay, Mr. Jonathan A. Casañare (Gold Medallion Recipient), and Mr. Mikhail R. CiriacoCore Values Award Finalists for Solidarity, from left: Ms. Krista Vanessa T. Esteva, Ms. Emerilou R. Tan (Gold Medallion Recipient), and Mr. Jan Enriq Vincent L. OmbaoCore Values Award Finalists for Commitment to Quality, from left: Dr. Catherine Amalia S. Colayco (Gold Medallion Recipient), Dr. Bee Giok Tan-Sales (Gold Medallion Recipient), and Mr. Raymond G. Cervantes